Inovasi Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar: Tinjauan Observasional terhadap Kreativitas dan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di SD Pupuk Kujang

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Afridha Laili Alindra
Ica Nurlaela
Kania Pratiwi
Khaerani Nurfaoziah
Khalishah Nurul Salamah
Mayang Gita Fitriani
Paola Pebriyanti


This journal reviews Learning Innovations on Creativity and Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at Pupuk Kujang Elementary School. This research aims to describe learning innovation, learning creativity, and the impact of this innovation on the character of students at Pupuk Kujang Elementary School. This type of research is qualitative research with observation instruments, interview guides, and questionnaires filled out by grade 5 students. The data sources for this research are the results of interviews with grade 5 guardians, interviews with grade 5 students, and questionnaires. As a result of these interviews, researchers found that there were many innovations implemented at Pupuk Kujang Elementary School, such as planting activities, technological engineering, and literacy weeks. There are extracurriculars such as coding, robotics, sports, arts, and tahfidz. The impact of these activities allows students to develop many abilities and increase productivity at school. Students are also motivated to apply their abilities in everyday life.

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How to Cite
Laili Alindra, A., Nurlaela, I., Pratiwi, K., Nurfaoziah, K., Nurul Salamah, K., Gita Fitriani, M., & Pebriyanti, P. (2023). Inovasi Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar: Tinjauan Observasional terhadap Kreativitas dan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di SD Pupuk Kujang. Journal on Education, 6(1), 10201-10214. Retrieved from


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