Implementasi Kurikulum Diniyah pada Sekolah SMP Abdul Wahid Hasyim, Pesantren Tebuireng
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The use of the Diniyah curriculum applied in Islamic educational institutions such as pesantren, which focuses on the teaching of religious knowledge, aims to cultivate students with a deep understanding of Islam. This research aims to examine the implementation of the Diniyah curriculum at SMP AWH Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang and the impact of this learning on the students. This research method employs a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques involve interviews and observations of teachers and students. The results show that the implementation of the Diniyah curriculum at the junior high school level is progressing well, although there are several challenges, such as limited time for the delivery of religious subjects. The Diniyah curriculum is divided into several levels: I’dad, Wustho, and Ulya. Some of the Diniyah subjects used include Nahwu, Shorof, Fiqh, Tauhid, Fashohah, and Hadith. The application of the Diniyah curriculum in teaching is not only in the form of learning materials but also includes the memorization of texts, which must be completed within a year. Each subject is allocated 1 hour of instructional time, and its implementation is coordinated with the Madin (Islamic Education Institution) in collaboration with the school and pesantren. The teachers implement the Diniyah curriculum with enthusiasm and strive to provide the best for the students so that they can understand and delve into Islamic religious knowledge comprehensively.
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