Warna Syara’ Pada Fungsi Bundo Kanduang Di Minangkabau

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Suhefri Suhefri
Sindia Ayu


Bundo Kanduang is a figure who holds a central role in Minangkabau society, not only in the context of tradition (adat) but also within the framework of Islamic values (syara’). This article discusses how Islamic values (syara’) are implemented in the functions of Bundo Kanduang in Minangkabau. The study employs a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical approach. Data were collected through literature reviews and interviews with traditional leaders and religious figures in Minangkabau. The findings reveal that Bundo Kanduang's role is closely related to the principle of "adat basandi syara’, syara’ basandi kitabullah" (tradition based on Islamic law, Islamic law based on the Quran), which integrates tradition with Islamic values. This article also provides insights into the challenges faced by Bundo Kanduang in fulfilling her role amidst social and cultural changes.

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How to Cite
Suhefri, S., & Ayu, S. (2025). Warna Syara’ Pada Fungsi Bundo Kanduang Di Minangkabau. Journal on Education, 7(2), 11264-11276. https://doi.org/10.31004/joe.v7i2.8191