Students’ Ability To Pronounce English Tongue Twister In The Second Semester Of English Education Study Programme Academic Year 2023/2024 Universitas Nias
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One of the components of speaking is pronunciation. The ability to speak is a key that someone could use the language successfully. Pronunciation is also one of the subjects in the English curriculum, especially in the English Education Study Programme Universitas Nias. However, the students still found pronouns inaccurately. The students are unable to pronounce words that have the same form in writing and do not care about how to pronounce the words accurately. They also do not know how important the accuracy of pronunciation in English is. To conduct the research, the researcher used a descriptive quantitative method by collected by giving the test to the students the using statistical method. In collecting the data researcher prepared some tongue-twister phrases to pronounce. The researcher asks the students to pronounce the phrases one by one and then record them with the recorder. the researcher concluded that most of the students in the second semester of the English Education Study Programme academic year 2023/2024 Universitas Nias are unable to pronounce tongue-twister phrases accurately. They didn’t care about pronunciation, tended to speak in a hurry, and hesitated to speak as if they were scared to make mistakes.
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