Pengembangan Alat Peraga Motor Listrik Sederhana Pada Materi Gaya Lorentz

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Astie Wulandari
Anggi Adelia Ramadhani
Jamiatul khairunnisa Putri


An experiment has been carried out on the application of the Lorentz force to a simple electric motor to study the direction of the magnetic force. This research aims to determine the change in electrical energy into mechanical energy, in which the Lorentz force is the force that arises due to the presence of an electric current in a magnetic field. So, if we have a conducting object that is in a magnetic field, then we flow it with an electric current, a force will arise that can move the object. The benefit of applying the Lorentz force is that in an electric motor, by passing an electric current through a coil in a magnetic field, a Lorentz force can be generated in the form of rotation in the electric motor to move the shaft which can then be used for all your daily needs. Tools that use the Lorentz force principle in everyday life are fans, multimeters and dynamos. The development of a simple electric motor teaching aid has been carried out as a means of learning the Lorentz force concept for students. This teaching aid is designed to illustrate the basic principles of electric motors, where the Lorentz force plays a role in moving the coil in a magnetic field. This research aims to increase students' understanding of the Lorentz force and its application in electric motors. Development methods include tool design, prototyping, and testing on students. The trial results showed an increase in students' understanding of the Lorentz force concept after using this teaching aid. It is hoped that the development of this simple electric motor teaching aid can be an effective alternative in learning physics, especially in understanding the concept of Lorentz force.

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How to Cite
Wulandari, A., Adelia Ramadhani, A., & khairunnisa Putri, J. (2024). Pengembangan Alat Peraga Motor Listrik Sederhana Pada Materi Gaya Lorentz. Journal on Education, 6(4), 18268-18275.


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