Application Of Purdue Learning Method In Improving Critical And Mathematical Thinking Ability Of Public School Students

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Anugriaty Indah Asmarany
Enos Lolang
Suriani Nur
Ahmad Buchori
Nurul Mutmainnah


The aim of this study is to investigate how the Purdue learning model can be implemented in accelerated classes to enhance students' high-level mathematical thinking skills. The method used in this study is called Classroom Action Research (PTK). This study only included students enrolled in accelerated classes as subjects. In this study, 100 people made up the sample. Field notes, interviews, observations, and diaries were all forms of qualitative data. A checkpoint is used to express quantitative data at the conclusion of each cycle. According to a combined data analysis, during the study period using the Purdue model, students' classroom activities improved in speed. This increase in activity involves verbal, written, visual, motor, cerebral, and emotional activities as well as writing, drawing, and writing. Mental and emotional activities are the most crucial kind of activity. Conversely, speaking and sketching exercises are given less emphasis. Students in accelerated classes generally report that they gain from Purdue's methodology of increased learning. The majority of students claimed that because they like studying in groups and found it challenging to finish the assignments provided at each meeting, studying under the Purdue model was more pleasurable. Nevertheless, several students responded negatively, stating that they did not understand the questions or the learning approach and that they wanted the researcher to clarify things immediately.

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How to Cite
Indah Asmarany, A., Lolang, E., Nur, S., Buchori, A., & Mutmainnah, N. (2024). Application Of Purdue Learning Method In Improving Critical And Mathematical Thinking Ability Of Public School Students. Journal on Education, 6(2), 12917-12926.


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