Analisis Kepercayaan Diri Siswa SMPN 4 Ngamprah Melalui Pendekaan Kontruktivisme Berbantuan Aplikasi Geogebra Pada Materi Segi Empat Segitiga

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Nadya Rismawati
Dea Siti Mutmainah
Nurhayati Nurhayati
Wahyu Setiawan


This study aims to analyze self-confidence in learning mathematics through a constructivism approach assisted by geogebraic applications. The research method used descriptive qualitative with the population of all students of SMPN 4 Ngamprah. The sample used was 32 students in class VIID on triangular triangle material. The instrument used is a scale of self-confidence with 25 questions that have positive responses or negative responses. The self-confidence scale is used to find responses from respondents to students' self-confidence in mathematics learning in triangle triangle material using a constructivism approach assisted by geogebraic applications. The results of this study show that the level of self-confidence of students in triangle triangle material with the help of geogebra applications shows positive results with a response rate of 61%. The average is obtained by each indicator of the confidence questionnaire that has been given to each respondent

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How to Cite
Rismawati, N., Mutmainah, D., Nurhayati, N., & Setiawan, W. (2019). Analisis Kepercayaan Diri Siswa SMPN 4 Ngamprah Melalui Pendekaan Kontruktivisme Berbantuan Aplikasi Geogebra Pada Materi Segi Empat Segitiga. Journal on Education, 1(3), 343-348.


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